
Showing posts from January, 2015

Yearly inventory

By the time I warm up to my birthday it's over .♡ I usually make an inventory list on my birthday of what I have learned or reaffirmed in the last year mostly because I want to be the wise old woman everyone listens to. I can't believe it's been a year tomorrow that we have been here! So here is my wisdom list - Things I have learned or affirmed Having dreams come true is amazing but there is always a price to pay Gecko tails come off if you grab them but they grow back It does get a little chilly in Hawaii at night after you have been here awhile Walking on a boat without my AFO's is no longer an option Having my dog almost die really shook me up - never saw that coming Investing in someone else's dream might be the defining moment in your relationship Losing my vision was the scariest thing to happen this year Telling people I would be happy to live in a studio apartment on Maui may not have been realistic but we are making it work Wri

Acceptance and peace

Today I am thinking about the book my daughter told suggested to me   "One Thousand Gifts " and how much it helped change my attitude at the time. Lately I have had a hard time expressing gratitude but I truly am grateful for so much. We have a solid roof over us, plenty of food and a nice car I love to drive. We live in the most beautiful place on earth and I am constantly reminded of Gods grace and power in my life. I have an awesome family and lots of love. Depression is one of the most common complications of chronic illness. It's estimated that up to one-third of people with a serious medical condition have symptoms of depression.I certainly struggle though I have come to a place of acceptance with my physical illness's CMT, fibromyalgia and interstitial cystitis. It is simpler than I thought it could ever be mostly because I have been willing to seek God in this and have let go of some anger, frustration, and disappointment. I also have an excellent


In my post Exhaustion on my other blog I prayed for God's help and for some reprieve from all that was coming at me. I surrendered to His will and desires. Then, my husband called with an injury at work! What! This is not an answer to prayer I thought. But maybe it was sort of. Having my husband home even with his hurt left hand was HUGE. He was there to help me get dressed, bathe, make food etc. and great company. I had been trying to get along by myself and that was a big part of the frustration I was feeling. Amazing how having more help and fewer struggles changed my attitude. This had made me think about my attitude in general and how it is fueled positively by less challenges and negatively by frustration something I need to be  more aware of in the future. I have had more PTSD triggering because of my arm but handled it a little easier with less exhaustion. I have been using my self talk and breathing - visualization exercises to keep me from the trauma an

God is in it..........

What a year you have led me through Lord! Major move leaving loved ones and a life we knew for paradise and hopefully an opportunity to serve you and be healthier. 362 days later - I certainly have learned that no matter what, God is in it. I miss people but I do not miss Colorado. We have been blessed in so many ways with jobs,cars and places to live. There is less physical pain overall but this last year has been my sickest ever . It's almost as if everything that has been bottled up inside from stressful circumstances has oozed out of my body in the form of one infection or another or injury. My CMT has progressed a lot this year and I am starting to look realistically at the future. My faith has been pushed to the edge but it has been the one constant this last year. I am thankful for my online support groups and for opportunities to help others. I am also thankful for the new people you have brought by way of blog, book or from my health care team. I have asked many of th