
Showing posts from July, 2017

Letter of pain

I sent this letter to 10 people in my life and one of them told me it inspired her to talk to her family about her pain. I am putting it on the blog hoping it may help someone in some way. Blessings This is an open letter to the people in my life that mean the most to me. I am sharing information with you so that our relationship can grow. I am going to be real and make myself vulnerable because our relationship is important to me. I have many ailments but the hardest thing I have to deal with is chronic pain. I want to explain to you for the sole purpose of understanding what I go through. Dealing with chronic pain is all about energy, the more pain I am in, the more energy my body sucks up to deal with it. Pain is like an energy vacuum. So when I am dealing with a lot of pain, I am left feeling as exhausted as if I ran a marathon that day, the day before and every day. When I am short or blunt with you it is because of this. I do not intend to sound callous or