Acceptance and peace

Today I am thinking about the book my daughter told suggested to me   "One Thousand Gifts" and how much it helped change my attitude at the time. Lately I have had a hard time expressing gratitude but I truly am grateful for so much. We have a solid roof over us, plenty of food and a nice car I love to drive. We live in the most beautiful place on earth and I am constantly reminded of Gods grace and power in my life. I have an awesome family and lots of love.

Depression is one of the most common complications of chronic illness. It's estimated that up to one-third of people with a serious medical condition have symptoms of depression.I certainly struggle though I have come to a place of acceptance with my physical illness's CMT, fibromyalgia and interstitial cystitis. It is simpler than I thought it could ever be mostly because I have been willing to seek God in this and have let go of some anger, frustration, and disappointment. I also have an excellent therapist who helps me immensely. The new medication for the IC is really helping and I feel more empowered than ever before. I now know the intensity of a flare up and how to respond.

 Looking at other blogs and reading books about chronic illness and pain is also helping. I can't believe what some people have to deal with day to day. But comparing yourself to anyone is counter productive because whatever your Worst thing is, it is harder than you ever thought possible. 


Lord help me to rely more on you than myself and to be honestly grateful for all that I have and that you provide. Jesus continue your work in my life and help me to be strong through you. Let someone else's life be encouraged by reading this. Amen.


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