
In my post Exhaustion on my other blog I prayed for God's help and for some reprieve from all that was coming at me. I surrendered to His will and desires. Then, my husband called with an injury at work! What! This is not an answer to prayer I thought. But maybe it was sort of.

Having my husband home even with his hurt left hand was HUGE. He was there to help me get dressed, bathe, make food etc. and great company. I had been trying to get along by myself and that was a big part of the frustration I was feeling. Amazing how having more help and fewer struggles changed my attitude. This had made me think about my attitude in general and how it is fueled positively by less challenges and negatively by frustration something I need to be  more aware of in the future.

I have had more PTSD triggering because of my arm but handled it a little easier with less exhaustion. I have been using my self talk and breathing - visualization exercises to keep me from the trauma and in the present. I have also found some awesome sites of Christians dealing with trauma. One of my favorite bloggers Bonnie Gray wrote a post on Thanksgiving that helped to change my attitude.Faith Barista

I believe God loves me so much and He heard my cries for help as he has in the  past and gave me some much needed help. It has been 3 weeks since I hurt my arm and now I can finally type with it which is a great advantage, my new computer is wonderful and I am enjoying the slight change in weather.

So life looks much better to me, on this side of this most recent challenge certainly, than it did last week. This to shall pass, a lesson I seem in need of remembering from time to time. God is so patient with me.
He is there for you also and can handle your cries of confusion and frustration. He loves you and desires nothing but your higher good. He longs for your surrender and is patiently waiting for you.

Lord you are such a comfort and my faith in you grows each day. I long to be in your presence and when it happens it will be forever so I wait and gain strength from your love while I am here on this earth. Father I pray that others would see your Grace in my life and that the Love you have shown through your sacrifice and continued presence in our lives would overcome any lingering doubt. Let your Holy Spirit work in my life and reign over the darkness of this world. Amen!


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