2016 Inventory

 I pour myself out on this blog and talk about my journey and I do not want to duplicate my posts so let me just say I am continuing to try and improve my health and am serious about my weight loss. I am in a weight transitions class and am using an app on my phone that makes keeping track of what I eat super easy. I am using alternative forms of medication for my pain and it is helping so much. I am using my scooter much more if I can or my walker when I can't.
 I was able to visit one of the places where I have been the happiest and carefree and it was like a big warm hug. Reconnecting with a sweet friend was so much fun. You can go back and feel the love again.

Missing people I love comes daily but I am choosing to focus on the amazing things they are doing with their lives.  My love is strong enough to span any distance. My prayers are continuous.

Lord, there were so many blessings last year and I am truly grateful for each one.

On September 25th I was privileged to help my sweet kiwi daughter while she was in labor.
We got to have Aniya spend the night and I was in heaven.

Our first visitors were my daughter and son-in-law. I had so much fun planning the whole trip. I did research, scouted best places to stay, eat etc. It was incredible to have a purpose. It started with Thanksgiving dinner with some of our close friends and included a luau, a town party and so much more.
I scheduled the days so that I could rest in between.

My husband took them hiking. It all went by too fast but I savored every day.

I saw my daughters stress disappear more each day and to see her laughing and having fun was what I liked the most.

Something else I spent a lot of time planning was my 95-year-old father-in-law's visit and attendance at the 75th Pearl harbor commemoration. Somehow we pulled it off and had an unforgettable experience.

He even made the national news! It made me proud and strengthened my faith in this country.

It was an incredible experience to be so many WWll vets on our trip to the Arizona Memorial.
I pray our country forever cherishes their sacrifice.

I now know how and when to push myself to do things. I am setting goals and sticking to them.
 I need to participate in my life to make the painful times worth enduring. Having the scooter has made such a difference! I am so much more independent.

My sweet little Diamond continues to fill and break my heart on a regular basis. I know God is in this somehow, so I am praying my way through it. It was a hard summer with her but we seem to have good boundaries now and she is liking that better also but testing, always testing. We had a very special Christmas her first time decorating a tree and she even got a present from Grandpa.

Coloring continues to relax me and fulfills my creative desires. Lord, do you give us our passions to create? Is that another way we are like you? Is it to appreciate how extraordinary this world was created?

Had to say no to traveling back to Colorado because I am just not up for traveling. Our little 35 min in the sky trip to Oahu was so hard and I had Michael to help me. Can't realistically see that happening without him.

Both the book "Choose Joy" and  A course in Miracles have positively impacted my life this year. If I can stay focused on Jesus and the many, many blessings in my life it helps. Basically learning to be Jesus and not just quote him.

    I am keeping my Life goals from last year.

    Life Goals 2017

    1.  Be known as a woman of strong faith 

    2.  Walk the path God leads me down with courage and determination

    3.  Appreciate all of my life and the many incredible blessings

    4.  Love God, Love others- unconditionally

    5.  Choose joy over anxiety

    6.  Make healthy choices

    7.  Be an encourager, Always speak the truth in love

    8.  Forgive everyone including myself

    9.  Ask for help when I need it

    10. Be my own advocate with doctors


    Father your mercies are great and new each day. I am overwhelmed by your love and grace. I pray it washes over every part of me so that my story- your story, can help even one other soul to feel your peace. I pray I become more like Jesus and learn to love fully at all times. I embrace the Holy Spirit and will yield to her guidance. Thank you, Jesus, for my life and for the lives you have brought into my journey. Amen.


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