Life Goals

After reading  Choose Joy I came up with some life goals. I want to be living intentionally and present, seeking God's will always and taking care of myself as much as possible. I want the people in my life to know that they are loved and also anyone I come in contact with. I think these goals are a good start.

I want to;

1.  Be known as a woman of strong faith 

2.  Walk the path God leads me down with courage and determination

3.  Appreciate all of my life and the many incredible blessings

4.  Love God, Love others- unconditionally

5.  Choose joy over anxiety

6.  Make healthy choices

7.  Be an encourager, Always speak the truth in love

8.  Forgive everyone including myself

9.  Ask for help when I need it

10. Be my own advocate with doctors

Psalm 94:18-19New International Version (NIV)

18 When I said, “My foot is slipping,”
    your unfailing love, Lord, supported me.
19 When anxiety was great within me,
    your consolation brought me joy. 


What are your life goals? How do you meet those goals? How do they make your life better? Let me hear from you.

   Lord I am in such awe of the ways you have healed me. I long for the day I am free from this body and physically present with you in heaven. I desire your will in my life and want so much to serve you. Help me Lord to find what it is you have for me. Help me Jesus to endure the physical pain and progressive loss I have in this body.  Give me encouragement and continue to bless my family. I love you. Amen. 


  1. Choose joy is an excellent book! It has helped me to look at life in a different way. It is difficult to live life with a chronic illness but when you read what Sarah went through and the attitude she had, it helped me want to have a Godly attitude too! I think your goals are good. The big thing for me was to stop having the goal of going back to the life I had. I had to come to terms with the fact that I can't go back and do the very best going forward. Life is different but it doesn't mean it can't be good! Every day I have things to be thankful for and happy about. Good post!

    1. It is hard to let go of who you used to be but surrendering to his will and accepting the new life we have is much healthier. Thanks for commenting.

    2. Also know that sometimes just getting through each day hour by hour is all we can do. God bless!


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