Pain and perseverance

Lord it has been a rough week so much pain so much weakness hard to put my head in a good place. You have put great people in my life who are encouraging me including a friend who suggested I get a book on tape and it has arrived so I plan to start listening to it. Is called the Power of positive thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. I saw a movie made about him and it really spoke to my heart. It is mostly about you God and being sure of who you are. How to rid yourself of self-doubt and free yourself from worries stress and resentment which are all things I am obviously working on. I do believe that you love me and some day's, that's enough.

If I don't write because of the pain and then I just have to realize that even writing just a little bit is better than not getting my thoughts down at all. Sometimes I have to change my idea what my blog has to include it doesn't have to be fluffy or nice or pretty it just needs to be real in this week this is all I have to offer you. I saw this little nugget just wanted to share it with anyone who's struggling with chronic illness.
God bless
Turning straw in to gold


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